Matt Bray, Pastor

I have been coming to this church since 1996. I am married to Alison and have three sons. I enjoy family life and love the great outdoors- especially going away in our camper van for short breaks.

In the church I oversee the day-to day running of all the works and ministries that our fellowship is involved in. I believe that relevant church involvement with the community, is a vital bridge to reaching the lost. Our church seeks to encourage, equip and enable the church family to be active in using their God given abilities, gifting and talents in our ministries.

I have recently become Part-time Pastor at Newquay Evangelical Church with the view to become full-time in this ministry by the end of 2023. Between now and the end of this year I will also be winding down my business for over 20years as a Aerial & Satellite engineer. Outside of the church I am involved in ‘Good News For Every One’ ( formerly the Gideons UK) and especially enjoy talking to 11 and 12 year olds in their school classes about the Bible and the Good News of Jesus Christ and distributing Bibles in the schools.


My wife Joan and I moved to Cornwall in 2016. It was encouraging to find a Bible-believing church at the heart of the town.

Looking back, I can recognise God's Almighty hand influencing my life and guiding my steps. I responded to the Gospel in 1971. At that time, I was an apprentice plumber. As a young Christian I was taught the importance of the Bible and how God speaks to each one of us, for help and guidance in my life.

Since then I worked my way up through the building industry to become project manager for the BBC. At 48, I looked for a complete career change and became manager of a children's charity, until my failing eyesight led to early retirement 10 years later. I now enjoy my retirement years serving the Lord through the various activities the church provides in the local community. I enjoy talking to people who visit our Tuesday Coffee Shop, playing my guitar for the youngsters at Stay & Play. My wife and I also enjoy welcoming visitors to the Newquay Harbour Mission, serving refreshments and telling people about its history and for the seafaring community - and the timeless Gospel message we continue to proclaim to all who will listen. Serving as an Elder is challenging for me - and in my quiet times with the Lord, I ask for His wisdom and help.

Steve Sully, Elder

We’ll be adding Steve’s profile here soon.